The Recipes that will Rock Your Parenting
Dr Young’s most popular recipes for nourishing snacks and desserts that are approved by even the pickiest toddlers. This treasure of a book includes 15 easy recipes that will change your parenting.
These recipes are full of healthy fats and protein which are often lacking in conventional baby and child snack foods. Equally as important – they are easy! Imagine nourishing breakfasts and snacks that your little one will actually ask for, and actually eat!
At $30 value … this price is a great deal!
Get The Ebook for $9.99 Get The Printed Book for $14.99
Get The Ultimate Guide to Switching Formula
You don’t need to feel helpless about choosing what formula to feed your baby!
This How-To guidebook provides step-by-step instructions on how to choose and switch baby formulas with confidence! It includes all the worksheets you need to choose a formula and track how your baby tolerates the new formula. In this guidebook, Dr. Bridget Young provides all the info you need and holds your hand through the challenging process of choosing and switching baby formulas.
At $30 value … this price is a great deal!
Baby Formula Shopping Guide
Enter your email to get your FREE Baby Formula Shopping Guide Resource! This guide will make shopping for formula a breeze!
Baby Formula Ingredients Cheat Sheet
Enter your email to get your FREE Baby Formula Ingredients Cheat Sheet! Never again wonder “what the heck is that ingredient doing in my baby’s formula?”

How to Add a Probiotic to Your Baby’s Formula
Enter your email to get your FREE Probiotic Supplement Protocol! Our personal instructions on how to add a probiotic safely and effectively to your baby’s formula – individually tailored to your baby.
How to Choose Formula Like a Pro – The Summary
Enter your email to get your FREE summary of the famous “How to Choose the Best Baby Formula” article series! This condensed version summarizes all the take-home messages you need to know to choose your baby’s formula with confidence.