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In the series of articles below, I’ll teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to pick and switch baby formulas like a pro. If you can make it through the whole series, you’ll probably know far more than your pediatrician!!
The next time you do find some free time (it will happen eventually … I promise … hang in there!) try to come back and read these articles. I promise they will make you feel confident when facing that endless choices in the formula aisle. And if you do have to switch formulas you can do so feeling empowered, instead of panicked!
Remember, you are the expert on your own baby. Whatever decisions you make will be the right one. Your love is the most important ingredient for her health. What you feed her is a far second … and I’m here to help you with that piece. You’re doing an amazing job!
Choosing a Baby Formula Series
- FDA Regulation, Pediatrician Knowledge, and the Baby Formula Industry
- Protein Source – Cow’s Milk? Soy? Casein? Whey?
- Protein Type – Hydro-what?
- Formula Carbs – Not all created Equal
- Creamy Formula Fat!
- Baby Formula = the Ultimate Multi-Vitamin
- Designer Ingredients
- Specialty Baby Formula – For Gas, Colic or Spit up
- Shopping for Baby Formula!
As the parent of a newborn, I am sure you have lots of spare time to leisurely read through all of my detailed articles. But on the off-chance you don’t have excess leisure time – you can click the button below to get a lovely summary of the take-home points of this flagship article series. I’d love to help!

As the parent of a newborn, I am sure you have lots of spare time to leisurely read through all of my detailed articles. But on the off-chance you don’t have excess leisure time – you can click the button below to get a lovely summary of the take-home points of this flagship article series. I’d love to help!